1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Franklin Friends- Adaptive Adult Group - Session: November Join our monthly program for adults with cognitive disabilities that is focused on building connections and having fun through recreation and socialising! Activities will include adaptive crafts, music, and games. Program will meet on the last Tuesday of the month. (Date will be adjusted if there are conflicts with holidays)Each session has a sign up cost of $15.If you plan on paying in cash the day of, please email Nick at nmillspaugh@franklin.in.gov a week before the program start date how many participants you have attending.*Participants must fill out program sign up form in order to participate. Forms can be emailed to nmillspaugh@franklin.in.gov or turned in to the recreation center front desk. Form can be found in the link below or picked up at the Cultural Arts and Recreation Center front desk.Registration before the program date is required.
Beeson Hall